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61362200-6 gasket carburettor to intake manifold CVH 1,4l 54-55kW new Fiesta MK2 01/86-12/88 13.20 EUR 15.71 EUR 61362200-8 gasket carburettor to intake manifold CVH 1,4l 54kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-04/94 13.20 EUR 15.71 EUR 61362200-9 gasket carburettor to intake manifold CVH 1,6l 65kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-04/94 13.20 EUR 15.71 EUR 61362200-7 gasket carburettor to intake manifold CVH 1,6l 70-71kW new Fiesta MK2 02/84-12/88 13.20 EUR 15.71 EUR 14077030-14 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,0-1,1l 29-39kW (not for "FORD VV"-carburettor) new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 2.30 EUR 2.74 EUR 14077030-15 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,0-1,1l 33-37kW (not for "FORD VV"-carburettor) new Fiesta MK2 09/83-12/88 2.30 EUR 2.74 EUR 15951870-6 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,1l 36-37kW (only "FORD VV"-carburettor) new Fiesta MK2 09/83-12/88 3.00 EUR 3.57 EUR 15951870-5 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,1l 39kW (only "FORD VV"-carburettor) new Fiesta MK1 08/80-08/83 3.00 EUR 3.57 EUR 61647980-3 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,3l 44kW (only "WEBER TLDM"-carburettor) new Fiesta MK3 01/89-12/95 4.00 EUR 4.76 EUR 15723630-1 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,3l 49kW (heating shield plate incl. 2 gaskets) new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 22.60 EUR 26.89 EUR 60890620-1 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,6l 62kW new Fiesta MK1 10/81-08/83 3.90 EUR 4.64 EUR 15723630-2 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,6l 62kW (heating shield plate incl. 2 gaskets) new Fiesta MK1 10/81-08/83 22.60 EUR 26.89 EUR 16064350-1 gasket carburettor to intake manifold OHV 1,6l 62kW (steel heating shield plate) new Fiesta MK1 10/81-08/83 23.60 EUR 28.08 EUR 46240520-1 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,3l 51kW new Fiesta MK2 09/83-01/86 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240530-2 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,4i 52-54kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-12/95 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240530-1 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,4i 52kW new Fiesta MK2 02/87-12/88 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240530-3 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,4l 54-55kW new Fiesta MK2 01/86-12/88 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240530-4 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,4l 54kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-12/95 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240520-4 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,6i 76-81kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-04/94 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240540-1 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,6i 96kW new Fiesta MK3 04/90-12/95 22.00 EUR 26.18 EUR 46240520-3 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,6l 65kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-01/94 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 46240520-2 gasket cylinder head CVH 1,6l 70-71kW new Fiesta MK2 02/84-12/88 16.90 EUR 20.11 EUR 60406890-4 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,0-1,1l 29-39kW new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 13.00 EUR 15.47 EUR 60406890-5 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,0-1,1l 33-37kW new Fiesta MK2 09/83-12/88 13.00 EUR 15.47 EUR 46240590-2 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,1l 40kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-12/95 16.80 EUR 19.99 EUR 46240580-6 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,3i 37-44kW new Fiesta MK4 08/95-01/02 16.80 EUR 19.99 EUR 14754572-6 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,3l 49kW new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 19.80 EUR 23.56 EUR 46240580-2 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,3l & 1,3i 44kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-12/92 16.80 EUR 19.99 EUR 14754572-7 gasket cylinder head OHV 1,6l 62kW new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 19.80 EUR 23.56 EUR 60659620-5 gasket exhaust front pipe to exhaust manifold CVH 1,3-1,4i 51-55kW new Fiesta MK2 09/83-12/88 3.30 EUR 3.93 EUR 60659620-4 gasket exhaust front pipe to exhaust manifold CVH 1,6l 70-71kW new Fiesta MK2 04/82-12/88 3.30 EUR 3.93 EUR 61346240-2 gasket exhaust front pipe to exhaust manifold Diesel 1,6l new Fiesta MK2 02/84-12/88 3.30 EUR 3.93 EUR 61346240-1 gasket exhaust front pipe to exhaust manifold OHV 1,0-1,1l 33-37kW new Fiesta MK2 09/83-12/88 3.30 EUR 3.93 EUR 60659620-3 gasket exhaust front pipe to exhaust manifold OHV 1,6l 62kW new Fiesta MK1 10/81-08/83 3.30 EUR 3.93 EUR 60788140-1 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,3l 51kW new Fiesta MK2 09/83-01/86 3.90 EUR 4.64 EUR 61437450-4 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,4i 52kW (injection, CFI) new Fiesta MK3 01/89-04/94 4.60 EUR 5.47 EUR 60788140-7 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,4i 54kW (injection, SEFI) new Fiesta MK3 01/94-12/95 3.90 EUR 4.64 EUR 61437450-7 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,4l 54kW (carburettor) new Fiesta MK3 01/89-04/94 4.60 EUR 5.47 EUR 61437450-1 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,4l & 1,4i 52-55kW new Fiesta MK2 09/83-12/88 4.60 EUR 5.47 EUR 60788140-4 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,6i 96kW new Fiesta MK3 04/90-10/92 3.90 EUR 4.64 EUR 61437450-2 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,6l 70kW new Fiesta MK2 02/87-12/88 4.60 EUR 5.47 EUR 60788140-2 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,6l 71kW new Fiesta MK2 01/86-08/86 3.90 EUR 4.64 EUR 61437450-3 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,6l 71kW new Fiesta MK2 08/86-12/88 4.60 EUR 5.47 EUR 60788140-3 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head CVH 1,6l 76-81kW new Fiesta MK3 01/89-04/94 3.90 EUR 4.64 EUR 15687340-1 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head OHV 1,0-1,1l 29-39kW (you need 4 per car) new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 2.00 EUR 2.38 EUR 68060810-1 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head OHV 1,0-1,1l 33-37kW (you need 4 per car) new Fiesta MK2 09/88-12/88 1.90 EUR 2.26 EUR 15687340-2 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head OHV 1,0-1,1l 33-37kW (you need 4 per car) new Fiesta MK2 09/83-09/88 2.00 EUR 2.38 EUR 68060810-2 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head OHV 1,0-1,3i (you need 4 per car) new Fiesta MK3 01/89-12/95 1.90 EUR 2.26 EUR 14166910-4 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head OHV 1,3-1,6l 49-62kW centre (you need 1 per car) new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 2.60 EUR 3.09 EUR 14166920-4 gasket exhaust manifold to cylinder head OHV 1,3-1,6l 49-62kW outer (you need 2 per car) new Fiesta MK1 05/76-08/83 1.60 EUR 1.90 EUR
Entries 1 to 50 of 89